
Course Description

Performance-based Measurements (PBMs) are utilized to authentically assess student mastery of concepts learned in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. When students that follow the Occupational Course of Study (OCS) or Extended Content Standards (ECS) are enrolled in a course with a PBM, it can be challenging for CTE teachers to align the PBM components with the modified CTE blueprint. Collaboration with Exceptional Children staff is critical to modifying the PBM components to assess student mastery of course content identified on the modified blueprint. In this session, both CTE and EC teachers will apply best practices for modifying CTE blueprints and PBM components to maximize student success.


Course 16847 Using CTE Performance-based Measurements Residential Application
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Section Title
Using CTE Performance-based Measurements
Residential - Ocracoke
Nov 18, 2024 to Nov 22, 2024
  • Ocracoke
Course Fee(s)
NCCAT Tuition non-credit $0.00
Drop Request Deadline
Nov 11, 2024
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
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