
Course Description

This 4-day session will equip participants with the knowledge and practical strategies to integrate AI into their STEM curriculum. Explore how AI can transform your classroom into a dynamic hub for engaging inquiry, interactive learning, and 21st century skills. Participants will gain a solid understanding of AI concepts and applications in STEM fields and create a bank or resources and strategies for fostering responsible AI use for students!


Course 16919 Section 001 Using AI to Enhance Your STEM Lessons Residential Application
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Section Title
Using AI to Enhance Your STEM Lessons
Residential - Cullowhee
Nov 18, 2024 to Nov 21, 2024
  • Cullowhee
Course Fee(s)
NCCAT Tuition non-credit $0.00
Drop Request Deadline
Nov 11, 2024
Transfer Request Deadline
No transfer request allowed after enrollment
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